Designer, Fullstack Developer, and aspiring founder.

I’m Mark, a designer and software developer based in Arizona. I am currently in the works of developing TurtleCurrent, where we develop technologies that empower small businesses to expand their presence online.

First post

Apr 14, 2023

In ad sunt mollit labore culpa aute exercitation aute sunt ex nostrud qui. Fugiat irure esse aliqua nulla non reprehenderit in ad culpa irure consectetur aute. Mollit incididunt fugiat excepteur veniam anim ullamco nulla ipsum ipsum elit exercitation enim enim enim. Excepteur quis ipsum excepteur veniam exercitation aliquip sunt veniam in officia qui culpa. Nulla aute adipisicing mollit elit aliqua aute elit.

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  1. Company
    Designer & Frontend Developer
  2. Company
    General Dynamics (US Coast Guard)
    iOS Developer